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What We Do

Activities & Sponsorship

The Sundre Fish and Game Association has been an active non-profit organization in the Sundre area since 1980. The goal of the club is to promote all outdoor activities; this includes but is not limited to camping, fishing, hiking, hunting, as well as the preservation of wildlife and wildlife habitat. The club actively promotes the involvement of the community and especially the youth of our community to participate in these activities. Through education, and hands on practical experiences, individuals gain a knowledge and respect for nature.


Our Activities Include: 


Alberta Wildlife Land Trust Fund

We are proud to support the Alberta Wildlife Land Trust Fund to help purchase land for wildlife preservation and controlled access for related outdoors activities.


Annual Awards Banquet and Silent Auction

This is our annual fundraiser with over 250 people in attendance! The banquet has been a magnificent display of the community supporting our club. We present plaques or trophies to all active youth members as well as trophies to active regular members who qualify. We have found our banquet to be a great community gathering with family friendly entertainment, local food & great friends.


Trout Pond

Currently Closed


AHEIA (Alberta Hunter Education Instructors Association)

Since 2008 we have offered a Canadian firearms safety course youth camp and it has been a great success!  Youth from our community and surrounding area go to Alford Lake for a weekend that includes the firearms safety course as well as fishing, trap shooting, rifle range practice and archery. The Sundre Fish and Game Association cover the cost of this camp for active youth members and those that become active.


Summer Meetings and 3D Archery

In 2017 the club purchased numerous new 3D archery targets to expand out collection up to 20 usable targets.  This has given us an opportunity to offer new and existing members a chance to explore archery or improve on their archery skills.  Through the summer after our monthly meetings you can find much of membership headed out to take advantage of our 3D archery course.



This is an important part of our organization.  Members are welcome to bring forward ideas that they would like to see more information on, so that we can learn and grow as a group.  In the past, we have discussed wildlife populations, archery & fishing knowledge as well as hosting a Sustainable Resource Development input session.


Sundre High School Scholarship

Sundre Fish and Game Association are proud to sponsor a Scholarship for Sundre High School students pursuing a post secondary education in a variety of outdoor related fields. This has been well received by the community and continues to grow as an ongoing gift to our graduates.

What We Do: About

We would like to congratulate our 2018 Sundre High School Scholarship recipients:
Cassidy Hanna
Lucas Vancuran

Education Books Bookshelfs
What We Do: Quote
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